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Caper Fruits in Sea Salt

The fruits of the caper bush, these oversized, snackable berries have a milder flavor than their briny little cousins.

Size | 5.3 oz

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For caper lovers who just can’t get enough of that briny, tart flavor, these caper fruits from Kazzen are your super-sized new friend. The end of the floral life cycle of the caper bush begins with the tiny buds we know as capers, these olive-sized fruits (sometimes known as caper berries) are green and crisp and share their umami-tinged briny goodness. Unlike the ones you find here in the U.S., which are usually packed in a vinegar brine, just like pickles, these caper berries are dry-packed in salt. This helps concentrate their flavor rather than diluting it into the surrounding liquid.

When it comes to Italian capers, one region rises above the rest: the island of Pantelleria, off the southwest coast of Sicily near Tunisia. Caper bushes are one of the few native plants that thrive in the island’s dry, rocky terrain and intense heat, and Pantelleria capers and caper fruits are known to be the most flavorful and largest in Italy.

Run by three brothers from Pantelleria, Kazzen is dedicated to sharing the unique bounty of their home with the rest of Italy and the world. A true labor of love, Kazzen uses traditional methods and recipes to continue the flavorful legacy of their island. Their motto is “specialità dell’isola”—specialties of the island—and their capers, oils, and delicious sauces and spreads will bring a taste of Pantelleria to your home.

Salty and tart, with an umami edge, these caper fruits have a crisp green flesh and tiny edible seeds, similar to a fig. Before using, give them a thorough rinse to remove all salt grains. To lower their intensity, they can also be soaked in clean, cold water for 15 minutes or so. Caper fruits make a dramatic addition to charcuterie boards and are a delicious aperitivo snack all on their own.
Size: 5.3 oz
fruit of caper, sea salt.