Fresh Homemade Ricotta

Fresh Homemade Ricotta

Ricotta so light and fluffy it will be hard to let it cool down completely before diving in. Try this served still warm on a plate dusted with sugar and cocoa powder like Giada would do with her grandfather Dino. Or you can pile it on a thick piece of toast with flake salt, red pepper flakes and olive oil. No matter how you serve it, it’s delicious!

Get the recipe here.


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    Cheri - Jul 08

    Wonder if this can be made with dairy free milk

    The Giadzy Kitchen - Jul 08

    We have seen similar recipes work with dairy free milk, but we have not personally tried it. Let us know what you used and how it goes!

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    Rosalind Corieri - Jun 19

    I, too, have never had ricotta with cocoa powder, but WOW, what a treat it must be! Thank you for sharing this, Giada! I will definitely try this!

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    Linda - Jun 17

    I never had it with cocoa powder, but I use olive oil and pepper and eat for a snack. Would like to try making my own

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