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What Gives With The Drinking Fountains In Rome?

17 April 2019
by Giadzy
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There's nothing like fresh, cold water when you've spent all day trekking in Rome - and you can get it all over the city for free!

We have a confession to make - the first time Team Giadzy went to Rome and witnessed people drinking from decorative fountains, we stared with abject horror. See, in the 'States, water from decorative fountains is usually reticulated... and it's definitely not meant for consumption! Once we saw more than one person casually fill up their water bottle at the fountains in Rome, we realized that we must be the ones that were misunderstood... not them!
The answer is yes - you can drink from the fountains in Rome. The water is completely potable, and to be honest, will save you a lot of money on your walking treks around the city. Say no to the street sellers peddling expensive water bottles near the sights, and fill up your own!


The fountains are known as "Nasoni," and you can recognize them from their downward-curving spouts. Once you notice one, you'll see them everywhere - there are over 2,500 scattered around the city of Rome, after all!
The water itself comes straight from the mountains above the city, traveling via the famous aqueducts built by ancient Romans.  This pure, cold, fresh water is tested for purity by the City of Rome roughly 250,000 times a year. Doubts, gone!


Didn't bring a water bottle with you? No worries - the Nasoni have a built-in feature for just that! Simply block the flow of water with your hand, and then the water will start coming out of a small stream out from the top for you to drink from.

Though you'll find these fountains in every neighborhood, this interactive map shows you each exact location!


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