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You 100% Need This App For Your Next International Vacation

18 February 2019
by Giadzy
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Imagine a free app that lets you skips the line at the airport... sign us up!

We all know that the least fun part about traveling abroad is dealing with the airport, braving the 10+ hour flights, and of course... customs. In the end, of course it's all well worth the experience - but any way that we can find a shortcut, you know we're game.
On our last flight back from Italy, we tried out an app called Mobile Passport (this is all #NOTsponsored, by the way!). Essentially, it mimics that Customs Declaration sheet you're given on the plane to fill out on your way back to the US. You know the one - who are you traveling with, did you bring any fruit or meat back with you, et cetera. At first we thought this was just a way to save a little bit of time, but boy, did we underestimate the power of this app. 
Once we got off the plane and got ready to brave the very long line of customs to get back home, we took stock of all of the different long lines we could queue up in. One of us pointed out a completely empty (EMPTY!) line, with a small sign in front of it that read "mobile passport". 

It almost felt like cheating. We tentatively walked up to the kiosk and presented our phones, and just like that, we cruised right through customs in under 30 seconds. To those of you jetsetters, you know that standing in line for customs can take a dreadfully long time - so we immediately felt like the world needed to know about this. 
Got a trip abroad scheduled on the calendar? Go to your app store now and download Mobile Passport! This might just be the most game-changing travel tip we've stumbled upon this year. 

1 comment

  • Author's avatar image
    Danyelle - Apr 01

    Just an FYI – while you can download this app from the Apple Store, it is no longer accepted by CBP per the app when trying to “get started”.

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