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Get Your Kids Excited About Thank You Notes

27 December 2017
by Giada De Laurentiis
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A fun way to make sure your kids get their thank-you notes in the mail this year!

Like all kids, I could hardly wait until Christmas morning when I finally got to rip the wrapping paper off the gifts I'd been eyeing for days under the tree. What I wasn't such a fan of was having to write thank-you notes to my family members, when all I wanted to do was play with my new gifts! My mother in particular was a real stickler, though in hindsight, I'm really glad she was. I know the importance of showing gratitude for the gifts I receive, and it's a lesson I'm trying to teach Jade every day, but especially at the holidays. I can't say that she's any fonder of writing out thank-you notes than I was at her age, but I've found a few clever ways to make the process a little less painful—for both of us.

First, I ordered her personalized stationery printed with her name. It always makes her feel grown-up to have note cards all her own, just like mine, and often we sit down together to write out our notes while she is still off from school (I've learned the hard way that the longer we wait the more reluctant she is to knock off this task). This year I've added yet another special touch, postage stamps printed with Jade's own artwork. Custom postage stamps have been a popular wedding invitation trend for years, but I didn't realize until recently that virtually any piece of art can be turned into a stamp. I asked Jade to draw up a special piece of artwork, which I then scanned and uploaded to, a site that creates custom postage and stationery. Ten stamps run about $20, depending on the size,and they arrived in less than ten days. When she saw them she was so thrilled and proud, she wanted to start on her thank-you's before she'd even opened her gifts!

A sheet of these stamps is a great stocking stuffer that kids of any age will get a kick out of, and just may help your child develop a wonderful habit for a lifetime.


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