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How Jade Does Mac And Cheese

06 May 2022
by Giadzy
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Who can resist a good old fashioned bowl of mac and cheese from a box? Here's how our favorite little sous chef Jade does it!

For Mothers Day, Jade decided to take matters into her own hands and whip something up for Giada: mac and cheese from a box!
"As you guys know, my mom is a great chef, and I eat the best food ever... but today I'm taking over, and I'm making my favorite thing: Annie's mac and cheese!" says Jade. However, it's not just a box of mac and cheese - Jade has learned a few tips from her mom on how to spruce up the box and take it from good to great! Watch the video below to check out Jade's method for the ultimate mac and cheese.

Jade's Boxed Mac And Cheese Tips:
1. Salt the pasta water!
2. Reserve some pasta water to loosen up the mac and cheese if necessary.
3. Add some grated Parmesan at the end - this gives it a better texture and more flavor.
4. Bump it up with some sliced up ham! Not only does this give it a bit of a protein punch, but it adds tons of flavor to the mac and cheese as well.

jade mac and cheese

The verdict? Even after a hesitant first bite, Giada herself had to admit "it's actually pretty good... it's really good, Jade!" 

Next time you find yourself whipping up a box of mac and cheese, do as Jade does and spruce it up!


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