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Photo Credit: Elizabeth Newman

Pasta Sciue Sciue (Pasta In A Hurry!)

5 MINPrep Time
20 MINCook Time
by Giada De Laurentiis
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Newman
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This pasta was made for me all the time when I was a kid. My grandfather used to make it for my mom and her sisters, and then our parents made it for us!

Sciue Sciue is pronounced sort of like "shway shway" - it's as fun to eat as it is to say! - and it translates to "hurry hurry," but in a kind of improvisational, off-the-cuff way. It's so simple, but perfect for summer when you have an abundance of beautiful, ripe and sweet tomatoes.

One note is that you don't want the tomatoes chopped so small that they disintegrate into a sauce - you still want that meaty, tomato texture all throughout. It gives it a wonderful fresh flavor.

Lastly, this dish calls for a smaller amount of pasta than usual - just about 8-10 ounces - so feel free to double up on everything to use up a whole package of pasta!

Pasta Sciue Sciue

Pasta Sciue Sciue


main Main Course

Prep Time

5 minutes

Cook Time

20 minutes

Image of Pasta Sciue Sciue



  1. Bring a large saucepan of salted water to a boil. Add the pasta and cook until tender but still firm to the bite, stirring often to prevent the pasta from sticking together, about 8 minutes. Drain.
  2. Meanwhile, in a heavy large skillet, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the garlic and saute until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add the tomatoes and saute just until heated through, about 2 minutes. Add the cooked pasta. Remove the skillet from the heat. Add the cheese and basil, and toss to coat. Season the pasta, to taste, with salt. Spoon the pasta into small serving bowls and serve immediately.



per serving
Amount/Serving % Daily Value
47 grams
21 grams
27 grams
Saturated Fat
10 grams
45 milligrams
363 milligrams
3 grams
4 grams
Unsaturated Fat
16 grams
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  • Author's avatar image
    Kelly Garrett - Jun 09

    How do you reheat this due to the tomatoes and basil already in it? Usually tomatoes reheated don’t do so well and the basil won’t either if reheated. Tips?

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    Krista Sobotnik - Jun 09

    This was such a great summer pasta dish. I love caprese salad, and the flavors are all in this dish. It's great reheated too! I will make this dish often as it's a great way to have a meatless meal, but would also taste great with shrimp or chicken added.

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    Rose Musco - Jun 09

    My mom always made this dish when I was a child , And now I make it for my family . It’s fast and quick!!

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