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Photo Credit: Elizabeth Newman

Chocolate Cookie Crumb Cake

10 MINPrep Time
30 MINCook Time
by Giada De Laurentiis
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Newman
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This cake couldn't be easier to make - It calls for leftover cookies and breadcrumbs as opposed to flour! Italians are known for never being wasteful and for always repurposing leftovers, so this is really in line with tradition.

The cake is just sweet enough and not overwhelmingly heavy, as all of the sugar comes from the cookies you use - so if you use a sweet amaretti cookie, it'll turn out a bit sweeter than it would with almond biscotti, for example! It has a pleasing, more dense-type texture that's reminiscent of a tea cake.

It's perfect with a shot of after-dinner espresso!

Chocolate Cookie Crumb Cake

Chocolate Cookie Crumb Cake



Prep Time

10 minutes

Cook Time

30 minutes

Image of Chocolate Cookie Crumb Cake



  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly butter the inside of a 9 inch springform pan. Line the bottom with a piece of parchment paper and lightly butter the paper. Set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, stir together the breadcrumbs, cookie crumbs, cocoa powder and milk. Allow the mixture to sit and hydrate for 5 minutes. Using a rubber spatula stir in the eggs, salt and baking powder until smooth and combined. Fold in the chocolate chips. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until just barely set. Allow to cool completely in the pan before dusting with powdered sugar and serving with coffee or tea.



per serving
Amount/Serving % Daily Value
39 grams
9 grams
14 grams
Saturated Fat
7 grams
67 milligrams
314 milligrams
4 grams
23 grams
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  • Author's avatar image
    Eglė - Aug 13
    Image provided in comment by Eglė

    Made this with a friend! Couldn’t be more simple:) It was a bit spongy to me, but the taste was still nice – the whole neighbourhood liked it (literally)! Perfect with some vanilla ice cream.

  • Author's avatar image
    Mark Johnson - Jun 09

    In a pinch, cookie crumb can be replaced with additional cake crumb, and for a velvety touch, pre-melt choc chips into a ganache (.6c heated heavy cream per 1cup chocolate). Heaven. On. Earth.

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