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Learn Italian Fast With These Online Courses

02 September 2020
by Giadzy
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With so many online courses available, it's easier now than ever to learn Italian fast.

Pancetta! Mangia! Cin cin! Over here at Giadzy, most of our Italian is limited to the world of food - except for Giada, of course, who's totally fluent and can talk circles around us. Since there is so much more downtime at home these days, a few of us have made the goal to learn to speak Italian - and with so many online courses available, it's easier now than ever to learn it fast. Since we can't do any actual planning of vacations to Italy at the moment, we want to be primed and ready for the day when we finally get to travel again - and it's a great way to channel our daydreaming into something concrete and productive!
So where did this sudden spark of inspiration come from? Our very own Jade, the official littlest member of team Giadzy and resident Tik Tok expert. She's been taking classes at home, and it's had us excited to try our own hand at it.
Below are 3 of Giada and our favorite resources for learning the language - and if you have any tips, drop them in the comments below!

Il Centro

This company is based in Milan, Italy, and they've been operating since 1986. They offer live video conference classes that don't just teach grammar, but how to comfortably and confidently have a conversation in Italy. With a team of instructors, a variety of activities and actual live courses, this acclaimed course seems to be the best choice for serious hands-on learning. One of the best ways to learn a language is to have conversations with real people, after all - and this course certainly offers that!


Duolingo (and the infamous owl!) are so well-known for a reason - it works, it's easy, and it's free! Download the app to your phone to learn Italian at your leisure through games, word matches, and even sound recognition with your own voice. The great thing about Duolingo is that you can really fit it into your schedule whenever you have the time, and you can spend as little as 5 minutes a day on the app and still go from clueless to fluent by taking that time every day.

The Italian Experiment

This website is loaded with tons of resources for learning Italian, no matter how you want to do it! You can read simple childrens' stories, pick from a wide breadth of free lessons, and they even offer comprehensive reviews of other Italian courses to help round out your education.


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