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Photo Credit: Elizabeth Newman

5 Easy Grilling Recipes Perfect For Memorial Day

10 April 2021
by Giadzy
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Newman
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Summer doesn't officially begin until June 21st, but that doesn't mean we can't kick off grilling season come Memorial Day weekend- here are 5 easy grilling recipes to try!

It's almost a requirement to eat and spend time outdoors on Memorial Day (weather permitting!). Not only do we feel the excitement of summer, but it’s the time of year we stop to reflect on and honor those who served and sacrificed for our country. And to commemorate the day, grilling up a big meal for our loved ones is the go-to method of cooking. What better way to feel grateful for what we have than a weekend of family, friends, fun and feasting?

These easy grilling recipes from Giada aren't just delicious, summery and perfect for the occasion - but above all, they're easy. Regardless if you're feeding just family or an extended group of friends, you want to feel like a fully-capable rockstar when manning the grill... and these fail-proof recipes will get you there! So keep calm, don't try and flip the meat too soon, and get cooking on this hopefully sunny weekend with these easy grilling recipes. Oh, and enjoy the day off!

Easy Grilling Recipes


Foil Packet Salmon

Fish sticking to the grill, no more! The salmon steams with lemons, rosemary, capers and white wine in these nifty foil packets, which gives it tons of flavor.

Easy Grilling Recipes

Grilled Chicken With Basil Dressing

The secret to this chicken is the lemony marinade with crushed fennel. You can start marinating it a day in advance along with whipping up the basil vinaigrette, so all that's left on the day of is getting it charred on the grill!

Easy Grilling Recipes 

Grilled Artichokes

The secret to grilling artichokes? You par-cook them! Simmer these fully prepped artichokes in lemony water ahead of time, and then you can get them charred on the grill whenever it's time to start serving them up.

Easy Grilling Recipes

Caprese Burgers

After grilling up these caprese burgers, you'll want to add pesto to every burger patty from here on out. 


Easy Grilling Recipes

Grilled Burrata And Kale Salsa Verde Bruschetta

What makes this beloved appetizer so easy? You can prep the salsa verde completely in advance, and then after grilling the bread, all you need to do is add the toppings. Trust us - the only problem you'll have with this one is being willing to share it!


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