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Ask Giada: Pantry Recipe Central

17 March 2020
by admin
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Giada shared her tips and simple recipes for the most common pantry ingredients- pasta, beans, rice, she's got you covered!

I started this platform three years ago to bring people together over food, and while we may not be able to share a physical table right now, we can most certainly still share a virtual one- in a space of community and unity- and we can still make some good food together, too!

I asked people on my Instagram what kind of content they wanted most during this time, and the response was overwhelmingly unanimous- "practical pantry recipes". So, over the next few weeks, I will be using this space to share just that. I know many people are experiencing grocery stores that aren't fully stocked and some people can't leave their home or don't know where their next meal is coming from- whatever your situation may be, know we are in this together. I'll be doing my best to adapt my older recipes with ingredients that are more readily available - and I'll share tips for how how to prolong the shelf-life of certain foods and cook in ways that really stretch your ingredients, along with ways we can help our neighbors and community members who need it most.

I hope this space will provide you a little inspiration in the kitchen in the coming weeks- and that you'll have a little (or hopefully, a lot!) of fun experimenting with food, too! Write to me on Instagram and let me know what you want to see more of - and if you make something good- share it with the hashtag #GiadaLookWhatIMade and I'll share the ideas with others on my page! We're in this together. Stay in, and stay healthy!


Simple recipe ideas based on...

Dried Pasta


Canned and Dry Beans


Rice, Oats and Other Grains

Potatoes, Onions and Root Vegetables

How To Extend The Shelf Life Of Food

How To Stretch The Shelf Life Of Your Food


Common Recipe Substitutions (coming soon)

General Q&A! (coming soon)

How We Can Help (coming soon)


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